Rooted in the vision of equipping and training leaders from the RUN Leadership institute which equipped some of the Pastors in the MFIEA. IGNITE a six month discipleship program that has equipped most of our serving young team.
Life College is amalgamation of the Ignite and Life Skill Center. Life College partners with Portland Bible College to award graduates with a diploma in theology and also a skill.
We want students to have a close friend who speaks into their life on a day to day basis talking about personal issues and questions they have about the program.
During the students’ stay at the college, they will have a chance for the leaders to practice what they are learning. Outreaches include schools, door to door, villages, and MFI churches.
Just like Jesus we want to make sure we equip these leaders before sending them out.
Together with the spiritual package LCU requires all students to learn a skill that they can use as a source of income while serving in Ministry. These skills include computer which is compulsory, Catering, Wood work, and Tailoring.
Students LCU will be involved in the running of Sunday service at both campuses in different departments. At the end of the program they should know how each part comes together in the service.
Bible based classes
Classes are bible based for students understand scripture.