Life Church is a non-denominational Christian church with campuses in different parts of Uganda. Our church family passionately follows Jesus, we love God, and we love His people. Our church community is faithfully on the move, pressing forward into the unknown, the uncomfortable, and the new, constantly pursuing His presence and the comfort of His promises. As we pursue God’s mission to see the Kingdom of God established across the earth, we’re called to be a church that equips God’s people for the journey ahead. We take this mission very seriously, and no matter where you are at in your journey, you are welcome here. Visit one of our campuses today!
Are you searching for a new church home? Life Church is a local Christian church and we meet at three campuses in Namasuba, Kawuku and Seeta. We also offer an interactive online church community in addition to our three brick-and-mortar campuses, as well as various ministries in our local region and around the world. We are a diverse church family who loves God with a heart for our neighbors, our region, and the nations of the world. Though we are diverse in ethnicity, nationalities, backgrounds, gifts, and abilities, together, we are a community centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ. To get to know us, you can read more about our vision below and visit any of our weekend services. We look forward to meeting you!
Wondering what you can expect when you attend our Christian church services? We feel that our weekend services really need to be experienced to be understood. They are welcoming, engaging, and supportive. Our services have two major segments. First, we worship God with music and singing. Then, we move into teaching from the Bible. You can come and engage in our church services, or you can just observe them at your own comfort level. If you are short on time or not comfortable visiting one of our church campuses right away, then why not check it out online before joining us? In the meantime, take some time to explore the website and learn more about Life Church.